When purchasing a piano it is important to understand a piano is made entirely of a natural product – wood.

As a result the environment you place your piano can negatively impact the performance, condition and lifespan of your piano if not controlled and monitored.

At Edelweiss we specialise in ensuring whatever environment our pianos are placed in – they will always perform flawlessly.

There are a few key factors you need to consider when thinking about your piano.

Environmental Factors

The temperature of the room your piano is in needs to be maintained between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius or 70 – 72 degrees Farenheit.

It is very important that the temperature is kept consistent throughout the year.

Constant changes of temperature in the room will negatively affect your piano.

It is important to consider if there will large amounts of time in a year that you will not be living at the property and how to ensure the temperature of the room is kept consistent when not at the property.

The temperature of the room ultimately often influences the humidity in the room. 

You want the humidity to be between 45% – 70% in the room the piano is in.

As standard you will always received a hydrometer with every Edelweiss so you can monitor this.

You want to position the piano in the room where possible so it is not in direct sunlight as direct sunlight rapidly dries a piano out.

This means not right next to a window or lots of glass.

If this cannot be avoided it is worthwhile considering a form of UV protection film, blinds or curtains so that the piano is not constantly in direct sunlight.

A key consideration is how the room is heated.

Underfloor is a very common source of heat but can also negatively affect your piano.

We recommend if possible you section off the area below the piano on it’s own control so you can turn it off when required.

If this is not possible there are heat-resistant rugs that can be placed under the piano but will need to careful consideration.

Logically the country your property is situated in will very much influence all the factors above.

From superyachts, mountain chalets, desert villas – the country your property is located in will be the main key factor in determining if you need a climate control system.

The Climate Control System

The Climate Control System is a very simple system that ensures your piano is always maintained at the optimum conditions – regardless of the environmental factors.

The system is very simple and consists of three key components.


The Climate Control System varies depending on the piano, the location and the size of the system but as a guide between £850 – £2000.

Regularly checking on the water levels in the system. This is shown by a light flashing on the Humidstat when the water is requiring topping up.

How often you need to fill up your system depends on the environment your piano is in.

It can be as regularly as weekly in some cases.

If ordered with the piano it will be fitted in our workshops.

However it can be also be fitted to a piano already in situation if you decide you need the system having not orginally requested it.

Played on by

Julian Joseph OBE
British Jazz Pianist

Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
English composer and impresario